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it breathed on me: I'm gonna be sore

Monday, February 14, 2005

I'm gonna be sore

Tonight, after several months of consideration, I made the plunge and took my first capoeira class. For all you know-nots out there, capoeira is the art of Brazilian dance fighting. From what I have observed, it's a way to look cool and show-off doing interesting acrobatics to music with a great beat. Since moving to Berkeley, I have become aware of the massive contingent of capoeiristas that roam this sleepy town, including people in my city planning class.

Surprisingly, despite my lack of formal dance or martial arts training, I picked it up quite easily. A good number of the spin moves and defensive positions are variations of things I taught myself growing up with an abusive older sister (don't worry, we're good friends now).

Capoeira class is performed barefoot in a studio with a rubber floor. My feet aren't used to such abuse, and right now I think the skin is grazed off my right toes from doing too much pivoting and lunging. I guess it will take time for my feet to become less tender. Anyway, my favorite moves were the looping kicks and the mini one-armed reverse hops. Also, you do a lot of hip swiveling in capoeira, using muscles and other connective tissue that typically are never exerted during the course of everyday living. Needless to say, the next few days will be a little uncomfortable as I recuperate.


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