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it breathed on me: See where I grew up!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

See where I grew up!

A lot of who we are is grounded in where we played in the dirt as kids. My first 10 years were spent on a 5 acre plot of land in the boonies of Oregon. The miracle of urban sprawl no longer classifies my first home in such a harsh way. In fact, its rather civilized out there now. But back in the mid-80s it was a whole other story.


1. Type in, or click here.
2. Click on the "Satellite" button on the right hand side of the page
3. In the search box, type in 23880 SW Grahams Ferry Road, Sherwood, OR
4. You will see a rugged ruralesque photo appear. Zoom in all the way.
5. A little pink balloon shows you the corner of the property. I actually lived in the lighter shaded, rectangular-shaped parcel of land to the balloon's upper right.

P.S. I waited for the school bus on that road where the balloon is. So many long mornings in the dreary Oregon rain. The bus picked up at 7:22 a.m. precisely. Twenty years later and I still remember. Zowie.

P.P.S. There's another house in the midst of the trees to the east of my house. A weird man, who my mother called Dr. Dave, used to live there. He had a Porsche. He once invited my mother over to hot tub with him. At a youthful 7 years old, even I considered that sketchy.


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