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it breathed on me: Sleeping at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro

Monday, June 13, 2005

Sleeping at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro

I read an email from my roommate today that really made me realize what different types of traveling experiences we're having this summer. We're gonna have some fun stories to share when she gets back in early July.

C. is in Kenya right now helping to bridge the healthcare digital divide. I would explain the research more in detail, but my understanding of it would probably do it more harm than justice. Anyway, in the email she wrote me today she talked about her weekend plans to camp at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Quite differently, I sleep at the foot of countless highrises, ubiquitous in Bangkok. While C. humors the Kenyan children who laugh at her light skin, I am fending off cohorts of infatiguable tuk tuk drivers and dodging black puffs of exhaust that come out of the older buses of Bangkok.

The one thing our trips may have had in common: elephants. I saw a roaming elephant hanging out on the side of the road as we passed by Burma. I bet the C. has seen some elephants.


Blogger timothy said...

Of course, she would be seeing the much larger and greyer African Savannah Elephant which can weigh up to 7 tonnes, while you have probably seen the very teeny Asian, or "wuss", elephant, which typically averages around 4.

Of course both of your trips sound incredible. I'm going to Paramount's Great America on friday and have a feeling it won't be quite as exciting or enriching as either of your trips (probably more roller coasters though... and better access to cheese).

8:03 AM  

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