Getting change is hard to remember
I rarely ride the MUNI lines in San Francisco. If I do, it's because I am usually meeting someone in the city for drinks, dinner, what have you. Whenever I do take MUNI (about once a month lately) I inevitably forget about the coin system. MUNI only takes 5 quarters. But rarely do I have five - sometimes I have two or three - but rarely five. You can't get change from the booth. Rather, you get change out of one of the BART ticket machines (and you can't get coins from the machines marked "Change" either - those only work in bills).
Yesterday evening, two people gave me detailed directions about how to get change without me having to even ask or make eye contact with them. They just see me idling around the MUNI turnstiles with my paper dollar and one quarter and figure they should help out. Usually the help comes from men who want to show me how to push the "H" button on the BART ticket machine to get four quarters.
Is that weird? My memory for operational stuff like this is always so bad lately. I have to get help everytime. Maybe next time I'll think ahead and remember the "H" button.
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