People: they do weird stuff, constantly
1. When it's raining, how people pull their coats overtop their backpacks, to otherwise protect inside contents from rain, but end up making themselves look like a hunchback
2. How people connect themselves to multiple devices (cell phone, laptop, ipod, blackberry, pedometer, headphones) while in public and then wonder why no one comes up to talk or introduce themselves, EVER
3. How people like to make even change at cash registers to avoid getting back coins (for something that is $4.12, paying $5.12 to get a single back), but end up holding up the line behind them while searching in change purse for seven loose pennies and a nickel they thought they for sure had
4. How people on walks with their dogs in Berkeley REFUSE to use or even carry a leash and then get flustered and irrationally confused when their pet brazenly accosts another dog, growls at or charges a passing runner, or dashes into traffic during rush hour
5. How people mistakenly confuse "tapas-style eating" with daily visits to the Whole Foods Market
6. Wearing Uggs in California
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