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it breathed on me: Jim's boss just called

Friday, February 18, 2005

Jim's boss just called

Strange. I just found a voicemail from Jim's boss David on my cell phone. Looks like he called around 4:00pm today with a tinge of urgency in his voice wanting to talk to me about Jim's latest house call on Bateman Street. I wonder what is up. I hope Jim isn't in trouble.

Another oddity: when I called David back, I got his voicemail, which opened with, "Hello this is David at Fast Water Heater Service. If you are calling about the water heater installer position, please leave me a message with your full name, driving record, and phone number. I'll get back to you immediately."

I hope Jim is still employed and alive. I guess I won't find out 'til Monday. The saga of Jim continues. Happy weekend, everyone.


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